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Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 32: e4101, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1550983


Objective: to analyze the effects of a Mindfulness-based intervention on nurse leaders' emotional intelligence and resilience. Method: a pilot study of a randomized crossover clinical trial. The sample (n=32) was randomized into Group A (n=18) and Group B (n=14) and evaluated at the pre-test, post-test and follow-up moments. The outcomes were assessed using the Emotional Intelligence Measure, the Connor-Davidson Resilience Questionnaire and the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, and analyzed using Generalized Linear Mixed Models. Results: a total of 32 nurses with a mean age of 42.6 years old were evaluated. The analyses showed significant interactions between the effects of the group x moment factors on the Self-motivation (p=0.005), Sociability (p<0.001), Self-control (p=0.013), and Total (p=0.002) emotional intelligence skill scores; as well as on the Observe (p=0.042), Describe (p=0.008), Non-judgment (p<0.001), Act with awareness (p=0.004) and Total (p<0.001) mindfulness facets. Post-test: there was a statistically significant increase in the Sociability (p=0.009) and Self-control (p=0.015) emotional intelligence skills; as well as in the Non-judgment (p=0.022) and Total (p=0.002) mindfulness facets. Follow-up: a significant increase was observed in the Non-judgment (p=0.024) and Total (p=0.026) mindfulness facets. The "resilience" variable did not present statistical significance in the "group x moment" factor, both in the post-test and during follow-up. Conclusion: the Mindfulness-based intervention used proved to be effective in increasing nurse leaders' emotional intelligence and dispositional mindfulness skills. Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials (RBR-3c62gy), registered on March 4 th , 2020, updated on September 16 th , 2022.

Objetivo: analizar los efectos de una intervención basada en mindfulness sobre la inteligencia emocional y la resiliencia de enfermeros líderes. Método: estudio piloto de un ensayo clínico aleatorizado cruzado. Muestra (n=32) aleatorizada en el grupo A (n=18) y grupo B (n=14), se los evaluó en el pretest, postest y seguimiento. Los resultados fueron evaluados mediante la Medida de Inteligencia Emocional, el Cuestionario de Resiliencia de Connor-Davidson y el Cuestionario Mindfulness de Cinco Facetas, y analizados por el Generalized Linear Mixed Models . Resultados: fueron evaluadas 32 enfermeras con una edad promedio de 42,6 años. Los análisis mostraron interacciones significativas de los efectos de los factores grupo vs. momento en los puntajes de las habilidades de automotivación (p=0,005), sociabilidad (p<0,001), autocontrol (p=0,013) y total (p=0,002) de inteligencia emocional; de las facetas observar (p=0,042), describir (p=0,008), no juzgar (p<0,001), actuar con conciencia (p=0,004) y total (p<0,001) de mindfulness. Postest: hubo un aumento estadísticamente significativo de las habilidades de sociabilidad (p=0,009) y autocontrol (p=0,015) de inteligencia emocional; de las facetas no juzgar (p=0,022) y total (p=0,002) de mindfulness . Seguimiento: se observó un aumento significativo en las facetas no juzgar (p=0,024) y total (p=0,026) de mindfulness . La variable resiliencia no presentó significación estadística en el factor grupo vs. momento en el postest y seguimiento. Conclusión: la intervención basada en mindfulness utilizada demostró ser eficaz para aumentar la inteligencia emocional y las habilidades de mindfulness disposicional de los enfermeros líderes. Registro Brasileño de Ensayos Clínicos (RBR-3c62gy), registrado el 4 de marzo de 2020, actualizado el 16 de septiembre de 2022.

Objetivo: analisar os efeitos de uma intervenção baseada em mindfulness na inteligência emocional e resiliência de enfermeiros líderes. Método: estudo-piloto de ensaio clínico randomizado cruzado. Amostra (n=32) randomizada em grupo A (n=18) e grupo B (n=14), avaliados nos momentos pré-teste, pós-teste e seguimento. Os desfechos foram avaliados pela Medida de Inteligência Emocional, pelo Questionário de Resiliência Connor-Davidson e pelo Questionário das Cinco Facetas de Mindfulness , e analisados pelo Generalized Linear Mixed Model . Resultados: foram avaliadas 32 enfermeiras com idade média de 42,6 anos. As análises mostraram interações significativas dos efeitos dos fatores Grupo x Momento nos escores das habilidades de automotivação (p=0,005), sociabilidade (p<0,001), autocontrole (p=0,013) e total (p=0,002) de inteligência emocional; das facetas observar (p=0,042), descrever (p=0,008), não julgar (p<0,001), agir com consciência (p=0,004) e total (p<0,001) de mindfulness . Pós-teste: houve aumento estatisticamente significante das habilidades de sociabilidade (p=0,009) e autocontrole (p=0,015) de inteligência emocional; das facetas não julgar (p=0,022) e total (p=0,002) de mindfulness . Seguimento: observou-se aumento significativo das facetas não julgar (p=0,024) e total (p=0,026) de mindfulness . A variável resiliência não apresentou significância estatística no fator Grupo x Momento, no pós-teste e seguimento. Conclusão: a intervenção baseada em mindfulness utilizada mostrou-se efetiva no aumento das habilidades de inteligência emocional e mindfulness disposicional de enfermeiros líderes. Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos (RBR-3c62gy), registrado em 04 de março de 2020, atualizado em 16 de setembro de 2022.

Humans , Nursing , Clinical Trial , Resilience, Psychological , Emotional Intelligence , Mindfulness , Leadership
Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(2)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533386


El factor de atención emocional ha sido reportado con frecuencia negativamente asociado con indicadores de salud mental; al contrario de los resultados obtenidos con los factores de claridad y de reparación emocional. Los objetivos del estudio fueron examinar las relaciones entre atención, claridad y reparación emocional con los factores de respuestas rumiativas y determinar si la relación entre la atención emocional y rumiación varía de acuerdo con los niveles de atención, claridad y reparación emocional en estudiantes universitarios de Lima, Perú. Para ello, primero se realizó un estudio de la estructura factorial y la confiabilidad de la TMMS-24 y de la Escala de Respuestas Rumiativas, en 320 estudiantes de una universidad pública de Lima, Perú. Segundo, se llevó a cabo un estudio correlacional mediante la aplicación de ambos instrumentos a 529 estudiantes de la misma universidad. En la muestra total se obtuvo que ambos factores de rumiación correlacionaron positivamente con atención emocional, pero solo reproche correlacionó con claridad y con reparación, siendo tal correlación negativa. Para determinar si la relación positiva entre atención y rumiación varía con los niveles de atención, claridad y reparación, se compararon las correlaciones entre atención y rumiación correspondientes a los grupos de baja, media y alta atención, claridad y reparación. Estas comparaciones mostraron que la relación entre atención y los factores de rumiación variaban solo en función del nivel de reparación. Los resultados indican diferencias importantes en la manera en que se relaciona cada factor de rumiación con la atención emocional, por un lado, y con la claridad y la reparación emocional, por el otro.

The emotional attention factor has been often reported as negatively associated with mental health indicators, contrary to the results attained with the emotional clarity and repair factors. The objectives of this study were to examine relationships between emotional attention, clarity and repair and factors of ruminative responses and to determine whether the relation between emotional attention and rumination could vary according to the levels of emotional attention, clarity and repair in university students from Lima, Peru. For this, in first place, a study was carried out to determine the factor structure and the internal consistency of the TMMS-24 and the Ruminative Responses Scale in 320 undergraduates of a public university in Lima, Peru. After this psychometric study, it was carried out a correlation study in 529 undergraduates from the same university. In the whole sample, both rumination factors positively correlated with emotional attention, but only brooding correlated with clarity and repair, negatively. In order to determine whether the positive relation between attention and rumination varies with the levels of attention, clarity and repair, the attention-rumination correlations were compared between groups of low, medium and high attention, clarity and repair. These comparisons shown that the relationship between attention and rumination factors varied only as a function of the level of repair. These results indicate important differences in the way that each rumination factor is related with emotional attention, on the one hand, and with emotional clarity and repair, on the other.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535984


Contexto: la investigación busca determinar la relación entre la inteligencia emocional y la calidad de vida en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica que reciben tratamiento de hemodiálisis de un hospital de la ciudad del Cusco, considerando el riesgo de la enfermedad para el logro de una mejor vida y los recursos existentes en la psicología de la salud. Metodología: el estudio se ubica en un nivel básico con un alcance correlacional y un diseño no experimental-transversal. Se incluyeron 96 pacientes diagnosticados con insuficiencia renal crónica que asistían a hemodiálisis y que fueron evaluados con el inventario emocional BarOn y el cuestionario KDQOL SF-36 para la calidad de vida. Los datos de identificación de los pacientes fueron obtenidos de las fichas de registro utilizadas, previo consentimiento informado de los evaluados. Posteriormente, para el análisis de datos descriptivos e inferenciales, se emplearon frecuencias y porcentajes; además de estadísticos de asociación, como el tau-b de Kendall, chi cuadrado y d de Somers. Resultados: la relación para inteligencia emocional y calidad de vida muestra un valor de p < 0,05, mediante la prueba de chi cuadrado; el estadístico tau-b de Kendall = 0,340 explica la dirección positiva de la relación e intensidad moderada de la asociación; el estadístico d de Somers = 0,339 ratifica que la inteligencia emocional en general mejora la calidad de vida de los pacientes en una intensidad media. También, se halló una relación significativa para cada una de las dimensiones de la inteligencia emocional con la calidad de vida. Conclusiones: existe relación directa entre inteligencia emocional y calidad de vida en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica en hemodiálisis.

Background: The research seeks to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and quality of life in patients with chronic renal failure who receive hemodialysis treatment at a hospital in the city of Cusco, considering the risk of the disease for achieving a better life and the existing resources in health psychology. Methods: The study is located at a basic level, following a correlational scope and a non-experimental - cross-sectional design. 96 patients diagnosed with chronic renal failure attending hemodialysis were included, who were evaluated with the BarOn Emotional Inventory and the KDQOL SF-36 questionnaire for quality of life. The identification data of the patients were obtained from the registration forms used, with the prior informed consent of those evaluated. Subsequently, for the analysis of descriptive and inferential data, frequencies and percentages were used, in addition to association statistics such as Kendall's Tau-b, Chi square and Somers' D. Results: The relationship for emotional intelligence and quality of life shows a value of p < 0.05, using the Chi-square test, the Kendall Tau-b statistic = 0.340, explains the positive direction of the relationship and moderate intensity of the association. , Somers' D statistic=0.339 confirms that emotional intelligence in general improves the quality of life of patients at a medium intensity. A significant relationship was also found for each of the dimensions of emotional intelligence with quality of life. Conclusions: There is a direct relationship between emotional intelligence and quality of life in patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536579


Introducción/objetivo: Las competencias socioemocionales median la gestión emocional y el ajuste social, son relevantes para el aprendizaje, el desempeño profesional, la salud mental y el bienestar entre otras. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Competencias Socioemocionales SEC-Q en estudiantes universitarios chilenos. Método: Los participantes fueron 699 estudiantes universitarios, 493 mujeres y 206 varones. La estructura interna se analizó mediante validación cruzada, aplicando análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio. La validez convergente y discriminante fue evaluada mediante correlaciones de Pearson entre las subescalas del SEC-Q con: la Escala Autoeficacia Percibida Especifica de Situaciones Académicas, Satisfacción con la vida e Inventario de Burnout de Maslach. Resultados: El cuestionario evidencia adecuadas propiedades psicométricas y los cuatro componentes del instrumento original: autoconciencia, autogestión, conciencia social y toma de decisiones; se presentan de acuerdo con lo esperado, una relación directa con autoeficacia y satisfacción con la vida, e inversa con el estrés. La conciencia social presentó diferencias según el género, siendo mayor en mujeres que en hombres. Conclusión: El SEC-Q es un instrumento confiable y válido para utilizar con estudiantes universitarios chilenos.

Introduction/objective: Socio-emotional competencies are skills that mediate between emotional management and social adjustment. These skills are relevant for: learning, professional performance, mental health, and well-being. The objective is to analyze the psychometric properties of the Social and emotional Competencies Questionnaire SEC-Q in Chilean university students. Method: The sample included 699 university students, 493 women and 206 men. The internal structure was analyzed through cross validation, an exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis. Convergent and discriminant validity were determined using the Pearson correlation coefficient between the subscales of the SEC-Q with the Scale of Perceived Self-Efficacy Specific to Academic Situations, Life Satisfaction and Maslach Burnout Inventory. Results: adequate psychometric properties in the questionnaire, observing the four components proposed by the structure of the original instrument - self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and decision-making. These competencies showed, as expected, a positive relationship with self-efficacy and life satisfaction, and an inverse relationship with stress. Also, social awareness presented differences according to gender, being higher in women than in men. Conclusion: The SEC-Q is a reliable and valid instrument for the evaluation of Chilean university students.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536585


Introducción: Durante la pandemia por COVID-19 las medidas de contención implementadas a nivel mundial han transformado la vida familiar y la forma de trabajar de las mujeres, profundizando desigualdades preexistentes tanto en el trabajo como en la familia. Método: Mediante ecuaciones estructurales se exploraron las relaciones entre el conflicto trabajo-familia, los síntomas emocionales negativos y la satisfacción familiar en mujeres de familias con doble ingreso. Se administraron cuestionarios a 430 mujeres que trabajaban de forma remunerada con al menos un hijo adolescente en Rancagua, Chile, quienes respondieron las dimensiones conflicto del trabajo a la familia y conflicto de la familia al trabajo de la Escala Interfaz Trabajo Familia; la Escala de Depresión, Ansiedad y Estrés (DASS-21); y la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida Familiar. Resultados: El conflicto trabajo-familia, en ambas direcciones, se asoció positivamente con síntomas emocionales negativos, los cuales, a su vez, se relacionaron negativamente con la satisfacción familiar. El conflicto de la familia al trabajo se relacionó negativamente de forma directa con la satisfacción familiar, mientras que los síntomas emocionales negativos mostraron un rol mediador entre el conflicto trabajo-familia y la satisfacción familiar. Conclusiones: Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que, para mejorar la satisfacción familiar en situaciones de crisis, son necesarias intervenciones para mitigar las demandas laborales y familiares, así como reducir emociones negativas como depresión, ansiedad y estrés en mujeres madres que trabajan con remuneración.

Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, containment measures implemented worldwide have transformed family life and women's way of working, deepening pre-existing inequalities both at work and in the family. Method: Structural Equations were used to explore the relationships between work-family conflict, negative emotional symptoms and family satisfaction in women from dual-income families. Questionnaires were administered to 430 women with paid work with at least one adolescent child in Rancagua, Chile, who responded to the work-to-family conflict and family-to-work conflict dimensions of the Work-Family Interface Scale; the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21); and the Satisfaction with Family Life Scale. Results: The work-family conflict, in both directions, was positively associated with negative emotional symptoms, which, in turn, were negatively related to family satisfaction. Family-to-work conflict was directly negatively related to family satisfaction, while negative emotional symptoms showed a mediating role between work-family conflict and family satisfaction. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that, to improve family satisfaction in crisis situations, interventions are needed to mitigate work and family demands, as well as to ameliorate negative emotions such as depression, anxiety and stress in women with paid work.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536588


Introduction/Objectives: Gambling and gaming disorder are usually comorbid addictive behaviours in which alexithymia and emotional regulation have been proved to be of relevance. The present study aimed to analyse the relationship between those variables and their differences depending on the presence or absence of gambling and gaming behaviours. Method: The sample consisted of 1,219 people between 12 and 20 years of age (M = 15.55, SD = 2.07; 51.8% females). Results: The results showed significant differences between players and non-players in gambling disorder, alexithymia and emotional regulation. The findings also indicated that there were differences in alexithymia, emotional regulation, negative affect, gambling disorder and gaming disorder among the different profiles of video game players. The comparison of participants with gaming disorder, gambling disorder, both, or neither of them, showed differences in alexithymia, emotional regulation, negative affect, gambling disorder and gaming disorder. Furthermore, correlations between gambling disorder and age, gaming disorder, negative affect, alexithymia and emotional regulation were found. Similarly, gaming dis-order was associated with gambling disorder, negative affect, alexithymia, emotional regulation and age. Conclusions: The hierarchical regression analyses demonstrated the predictive role of alexithymia and age in gambling disorder as well as the predictive role of age, sex and negative affect in gaming disorder.

Introducción/Objetivos: Los trastornos de juego y videojuego son conductas adictivas habitualmente comórbidas en las que se ha demostrado la relevancia de la alexitimia y la regulación emocional. Este estudio analiza la relación entre dichas variables y sus diferencias en función de la presencia o ausencia de conductas de juego y videojuego. Método: La muestra estuvo formada por 1219 personas de entre 12 y 20 años (M = 15.55, SD = 2.07; 51.8 % mujeres). Resultados: Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas entre jugadores y no jugadores en el juego patológico, la alexitimia y la regulación emocional. Los resultados también indicaron que había diferencias en alexitimia, regulación emocional, afecto negativo, trastorno de juego y videojuego entre los distintos perfiles de jugadores de videojuegos. La comparación de los participantes con trastorno de juego y videojuego, con ambos o con ninguno de ellos, mostró diferencias en la alexitimia, la regulación emocional, el afecto negativo, el trastorno de juego y videojuego. Además, se encontraron correlaciones entre el juego patológico y la edad, el trastorno por videojuego, el afecto negativo, la alexitimia y la regulación emocional. Del mismo modo, el trastorno por videojuego se asoció con el juego patológico, el afecto negativo, la alexitimia, la regulación emocional y la edad. Conclusiones: Los análisis de regresión jerárquica demostraron el papel predictivo de la alexitimia y la edad en el trastorno de juego y el papel predictivo de la edad, el sexo y el afecto negativo en el trastorno por videojuego.

Salud ment ; 46(6): 317-324, Nov.-Dec. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530384


Abstract Introduction During the coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) pandemic, restrictive measures were implemented to reduce contagion. However, severely decreasing social interaction also negatively impacted the economy, particularly that of indigenous groups. Objective This article seeks to understand the emotional distress identified by a group of indigenous women residents, as well as their self-care practices, during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico City. Method A digital qualitative study was undertaken since the fieldwork was conducted in person and online, using various Internet platforms, which served as a field scenario, data collection tool and a means of continuous connection with subjects. Results Anecdotal records were obtained from the subjects, who identified categorizations in the collective organization of the indigenous group, which became a support network for mobilizing official material resources. Information was also obtained on the way the women engaged in the self-care of their emotional distress in a range of ways with a sense of immediacy, through physical, spiritual, herbal, and psychological resources. They observed how women managed to cope with their situation and continue caring for and supporting their families to enable them to get by, distinguishing between those who were providers and those who were dependent on another provider. Discussion and conclusion The pandemic, together with social restrictions, created stressful situations, causing various emotional problems among the indigenous collective. Nevertheless, their capacity for self-management and self-care enabled them to cope with these conditions in the midst of structural contexts of violence, poverty, and social exclusion.

Resumen Introducción Durante la pandemia del nuevo coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) se instauraron diferentes medidas restrictivas con la finalidad de disminuir los contagios. Sin embargo, al reducir severamente las interacciones sociales también se produjo un impacto negativo en la economía, especialmente en los grupos indígenas. Objetivo Este artículo busca conocer los malestares emocionales identificados por un colectivo de mujeres indígenas residentes, así como sus prácticas de auto-atención, durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en la CDMX. Método Se desarrolló una investigación cualitativa digital ya que el trabajo de campo fue presencial y en línea, así como en diferentes plataformas de la red de internet, las cuales fungieron como escenario de campo, herramienta de recopilación de datos y un dispositivo de conexión constante con los informantes Resultados Se obtuvieron registros anecdóticos de las participantes, que identificaron: categorizaciones en la organización colectiva del grupo indígena, convirtiéndose en red de apoyo que movilizó recursos materiales oficiales; cómo las mujeres practicaron la auto-atención de sus malestares emocionales de manera variada y con un sentido de inmediatez, mediante recursos físicos, espirituales, herbolarios, psicológicos y el saber aguantarse para sobrellevar su situación, y continuar cuidando y apoyando a sus familias a salir adelante, diferenciando entre mujeres proveedoras y las dependientes de otro proveedor. Discusión y conclusión La pandemia junto con las restricciones sociales, generaron situaciones estresantes, desencadenando diversas problemáticas emocionales en el colectivo indígena, pero su capacidad de autogestión y autocuidado les permitió sobrellevar tales condiciones en medio de contextos estructurales de violencia, pobreza y exclusión social.

Indian J Med Ethics ; 2023 Sep; 8(3): 229-230
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222716


This article recounts a poignant interaction between the author and a mother of a child with cerebral palsy. The mother's remarkable strength and optimism in the face of adversity deeply moved the author, leading to a tearful moment which prompted a comforting response from the mother. The ongoing debate regarding whether doctors are allowed to display emotions in their professional lives centers around the challenge of balancing professionalism with the emotional impact of providing healthcare to patients. While doctors are expected to uphold professionalism and make sound decisions in their work environment, simultaneous expression of emotions, empathy, and vulnerabilities becomes inevitable.

Interaçao psicol ; 27(1): 81-88, jan.-abr. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512631


As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Medicina defendem que o médico deve promover a saúde integral. Na pediatria, a importância do cuidado integral é ainda maior, pois a criança é um ser em desenvolvimento físico, cognitivo e socioemocional e o desenvolvimento infantil envolve o corpo e o psiquismo indissociavelmente. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar disciplinas que abordem conteúdos de desenvolvimento emocional infantil, saúde mental na infância e constituição psíquica do indivíduo na formação médica. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, na qual Projetos Pedagógicos das Escolas Médicas do estado de Minas Gerais foram analisados. Dentre um total de 39 escolas, apenas 18 atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. As categorias temáticas analisadas foram: Objetivo do curso e o perfil do egresso; A presença da interdisciplinaridade; Psicologia Médica; Psicologia infantil nas disciplinas de Pediatria; A saúde mental infantil. Constatou-se que não há padronização do ensino médico em relação ao oferecimento de conteúdos da psicologia e saúde mental infantil, desenvolvimento emocional e constituição psíquica do sujeito. Essa constatação traz a reflexão sobre os prejuízos na assistência integral à infância que poderiam ser evitados e a necessidade de iniciativas de um ensino interdisciplinar.

The National Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Medicine Education state that physicians should promote integral health. In pediatrics, the importance of integral care is even greater, as the child is a being in physical, cognitive and socioemotional development, and child development involves the body and the psyche inextricably. The aim of this study was to investigate subjects that address childhood emotional development, mental health in childhood, and psychic constitution of the individual in medical training. This is a documentary research, in which Pedagogical Projects of Medical Schools in the State of Minas Gerais were analyzed. Among a total of 39 schools, only 18 met the inclusion criteria. The thematic categories were: 1. Course objective and graduate profile; 2. The presence of interdisciplinarity; 3. Medical Psychology; 4. Child psychology in Pediatrics; and 5. Child health. It was found that there is no standardization of medical education in terms of offering content on child psychology and mental health, emotional development, and psychic constitution of the subject. This finding brings a need for teaching about integral education in childhood that can be designed to be an interdisciplinary initiative.

Educ. med. super ; 37(3)sept. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1528552


Introducción: El progreso de la medicina contrasta con prevalecientes estigmas de deshumanización en la práctica médica y en la relación médico-paciente, que refuerza la necesidad de sustentar la formación médica sobre la base de la educación emocional y el desarrollo de competencias para el manejo de las emociones. Objetivo: Exponer la importancia de la educación emocional y la adquisición de competencias emocionales en la formación médica. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática exploratoria, que empleó Web of Science y Scopus como fuentes de información de los trabajos publicados entre 2012 y 2022. La búsqueda estuvo basada en el estudio de las variables: educación emocional, competencias emocionales y formación médica. Resultados: Del análisis de contenido de los artículos seleccionados se identificaron cuatro temáticas principales: generalidades de la educación emocional; la relación entre la educación emocional y el aprendizaje, fundamentada en la necesidad de potenciar en los estudiantes la autoestima; la importancia de la educación emocional en la formación de médicos; y las estrategias para favorecer la educación emocional en el proceso formativo de los estudiantes de medicina. Conclusiones: Se determinó que la educación emocional se convierte en una innovación educativa de gran importancia, que responde a las necesidades sociales contemporáneas, y busca lograr un equilibrio entre lo cognitivo y el manejo de las emociones(AU)

Introduction: The progress in medicine is not consistent with prevailing stigmas of dehumanization in the medical practice and in the doctor-patient relationship, which reinforces the need to sustain medical training on the basis of emotional education and the development of competences for managing emotions. Objective: To expose the importance of emotional education and the acquisition of emotional competences in medical training. Methods: An exploratory systematic review was conducted, using Web of Science and Scopus as sources of information to collect papers published between 2012 and 2022. The search was based on the study of the variable's emotional education, emotional competences and medical training. Results: Four main themes were identified with the content analysis applied in the selected articles: generalities of emotional education; relationship between learning and emotional education, based on the need to enhance self-esteem in students; the importance of emotional education in the training of physicians; and strategies to favor emotional education in the training process of medical students. Conclusions: Emotional education was concluded to become an educational innovation of great importance, responding to contemporary social needs, as well as it seeks to achieve a balance between the cognitive and the management of emotions(AU)

Humans , Emotions , Professional Training , Students, Medical
Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 22(2): 393-399, may.-ago. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534550


Resumen Objetivo: Conocer la relación de la inteligencia emocional (IE), satisfacción laboral y consumo de alcohol en el personal de enfermería que labora en un hospital de tercer nivel de atención. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal y correlacional. La muestra fue de 129 profesionales de enfermería que laboran en un hospital de tercer nivel, divididos en áreas críticas y no críticas. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron una Cédula de Datos Socio-demográficos, Trait Meta Mood Scale (TMMS-24), Cuestionario de Satisfacción Laboral S10/12 y AUDIT. Resultados: El 75% fueron mujeres, con estudios de licenciatura, más del 45% consumieron alcohol en la última semana. Se encontró que existe una relación positiva y significativa entre la inteligencia emocional y la satisfacción laboral (rs = .236, p < .001), también se encontró relación negativa y ssignificativa entre la satisfacción laboral y el consumo de alcohol (rs = -.195, p < .05). Conclusiones: Se muestran diferencias entre la IE, la satisfacción laboral y el consumo de alcohol en el personal de enfermería de acuerdo con el área en la que labora. Así mismo se observa la relación positiva entre la IE y la satisfacción llaboral, además de relación negativa entre satisfacción laboral y consumo de alcohol. Este estudio manifiesta la importancia de conocer a profundidad que factores impactan el cuidado que proporciona el personal de enfermería dentro de los servicios hospitalarios y cuáles son los métodos que utilizan para afrontarlos.

Abstract Objective: To know the relationship between emotional intelligence, job satisfaction and alcohol consumption in nursing staff working in a tertiary care hospital. Materials and methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional, and correlational study. The sample consisted of 129 nursing professionals who work in a third level hospital, divided into critical and non-critical areas. The instruments used were a Socio-demographic Data Sheet, Trait Meta Mood Scale (TMMS-24), Job Satisfaction Questionnaire S10/12 and AUDIT. Results: 75% were women, with undergraduate studies, more than 45% consumed in the last week. It was found that there is a positive and significant relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction (rs = .236, p < .001), a negative and significant relationship was also found between job satisfaction and alcohol consumption (rs = -.195, p < .05). Conclusions: Differences are shown between EI, job satisfaction and alcohol consumption in nursing staff according to the area in which they work. Likewise, there is a positive relationship between EI and job satisfaction and a negative relationship between job satisfaction and alcohol consumption. This study demonstrates the importance of knowing in depth what factors impact the care provided by nursing staff within hospital services and what are the methods used to deal with them.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 13(2): 5-18, May.-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519896


Abstract Emotional dysregulation (ED) is related to problems in understanding, perceiving, and regulating emotions. The aim is to find the psychometric properties of an instrument that measures ED and classifies the high/low ED group membership with the least possible error. For statistical purposes (factor analysis), two independent samples of males and females (n1 = 476) and (n2 = 562) were obtained, with ages sample 1 (15 -19 years; M= 15.8; SD=0.71) and sample 2 (15-19 years; M=15.6; SD= 0.69). Three factors were formed by sex, males with 14 items and females with 13 items, each loading on a single factor (total α=0.71 - 0.78 ɷ =0.67- 0.79 females; α= 0.70 - 0.79 ɷ=0.73 - 0.75 males) and good fit indices. In sum, a validated cut version instrument (DERSR-B), a risk screening instrument, was obtained.

Resumen La desregulación emocional (DE) se relaciona con problemas para comprender, percibir y regular las emociones. Determinar las propiedades psicométricas de un instrumento que mide DE y que clasifica con el menor error posible la pertenencia de grupo alto/bajo de DE se propuso como el objetivo de este estudio. Para propósitos estadísticos (análisis factoriales) se obtuvieron dos muestras independientes de hombres y mujeres (n1 = 476) y (n2 = 562) respectivamente, con edades para muestra 1 (15-19 años; M= 15.8; DE= 0.71) y muestra 2 (15-19 años; M=15.6; DE= 0.69). Se obtuvieron tres factores por sexo, hombres con 14 ítems y mujeres con 13 ítems cada uno cargando en un solo, un único factor (total α =0.71 - 0.78 ɷ =0.67- 0.79 mujeres; α=0.70 - 0.79 ɷ=0.73-0.75 hombres) y con índices de ajuste aceptables. Se obtuvo un instrumento válido en versión corta de detección rápida de riesgo de Desregulación Emocional (DERSR-B).

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 81(8): 764-775, Aug. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513725


Abstract The spectrum of neuropsychiatric phenomena observed in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is wide and not fully understood. Disorders of laughter and crying stand among the most common manifestations. The aim of this study is to report the results of an educational consensus organized by the Brazilian Academy of Neurology to evaluate the definitions, phenomenology, diagnosis, and management of the disorders of laughter and crying in ALS patients. Twelve members of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology - considered to be experts in the field - were recruited to answer 12 questions about the subject. After exchanging revisions, a first draft was prepared. A face-to-face meeting was held in Fortaleza, Brazil on 9.23.22 to discuss it. The revised version was subsequently emailed to all members of the ALS Scientific Department from the Brazilian Academy of Neurology and the final revised version submitted for publication. The prevalence of pseudobulbar affect/pathological laughter and crying (PBA/PLC) in ALS patients from 15 combined studies and 3906 patients was 27.4% (N = 1070), ranging from 11.4% to 71%. Bulbar onset is a risk factor but there are limited studies evaluating the differences in prevalence among the different motor neuron diseases subtypes, including patients with and without frontotemporal dementia. Antidepressants and a combination of dextromethorphan and quinidine (not available in Brazil) are possible therapeutic options. This group of panelists acknowledge the multiple gaps in the current literature and reinforces the need for further studies.

Resumo O espectro de fenômenos neuropsiquiátricos observados na ELA é amplo e não completamente entendido. Desordens do riso e do choro estão entre as manifestações mais comuns. O objetivo deste estudo é relatar os resultados de um Consenso organizado pela Academia Brasileira de Neurologia para avaliar definições, fenomenologia, diagnóstico, e manejo dos distúrbios do riso e do choro em pacientes com ELA. Doze membros da Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - considerados experts na área - foram recrutados para responder 12 questões na temática. Depois da verificação das revisões, um primeiro manuscrito foi preparado. Após, foi realizado um encontro presencial em Fortaleza, Brasil, em 23/09/2022, para discussão do conteúdo. A versão revisada foi posteriormente enviada por e-mail para todos os membros do Departamento Científico de DNM/ELA da Academia Brasileira de Neurologia e a versão final revisada foi submetida para publicação. A prevalência da síndrome pseudobulbar em pacientes com ELA em 15 estudos combinados com 3906 pacientes foi de 27,4% (n = 1070), variando entre 11,4% e 71%. Início bulbar é um fator de risco, mas há limitados estudos avaliando as diferenças em prevalência entre os diferentes subtipos de Doença do Neurônio Motor, incluindo pacientes com e sem Demência Frontotemporal. Antidepressivos e uma combinação de dextrometorfana e quinidina (indisponíveis no Brasil) são opções terapêuticas possíveis. Esse grupo de panelistas reconhece as múltiplas demandas não atendidas na literatura atual e reforça a necessidade de futuros estudos.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 197-214, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448490


Resumen La agresión entre pares, sea un caso aislado o recurrente, se ha convertido en un problema cada vez más frecuente que socava el desarrollo psicoafectivo saludable en adolescentes y universitarios. Como en el caso de otras conductas de riesgo, la investigación sugiere que los aspectos emocionales son relevantes para su prevención. El objetivo de este trabajo fue explorar la posible relación entre la agresión entre pares, la agresión frecuente como potencial conducta de bullying, y la diferenciación del self, un constructo procedente de la perspectiva sistémica, vinculado con la autorregulación emocional y la madurez afectiva. Universitarios de entre 17 y 20 años (. = 365), completaron sendos cuestionarios autoadministrados sobre estilos de vida (Carlos et al., 2016) y diferenciación del self (Duch-Ceballos et al., 2022). En esta muestra, los análisis realizados indican que menores niveles de diferenciación del self en los varones se asocian con mayor probabilidad de agresión entre pares, tanto sufrida como ejercida. Además, uno de los componentes de la diferenciación del self, la reactividad emocional, predijo también las probabilidades de agresión (sufrida y ejercida) entre las mujeres. La diferenciación del self está recibiendo una creciente atención como variable relevante para explicar la conducta de los adolescentes y jóvenes emergentes, especialmente en lo que refiere a conductas de riesgo. Este sería el primer estudio sobre la relación entre diferenciación del self, agresión entre pares y agresión frecuente como potencial conducta de buylling. Finalmente, a partir de los resultados encontrados, se plantean futuras líneas de investigación y aplicaciones prácticas.

Abstract The socio-emotional well-being of children and adolescents is a subject of interest, both for academics and researchers, as well as for parents, teachers, and educators. Initiatives on this subject promoted from the scientific and social fields are constantly increasing, and tend to have multiple objectives, among which one is to understand the dynamics of violence and aggression (which can lead to harassment situations), in order to design more effective prevention and intervention programs. Research suggests that emotional aspects are relevant to the prevention of aggression. Within this realm, we have focused on Differentiation of self (DoS). The Differentiation of Self is the central construct of Bowen's (1978) systemic family theory, considered from the systemic perspective as one of the most comprehensive theories of human behavior. With multiple applications in various fields, DoS is a multidimensional construct, defined as the ability to balance emotional and intellectual functioning -intrapsychic dimension-, and intimacy and autonomy in personal relationships -interpersonal dimension-. Based on previous studies in which associations between bullying and socio-emotional competencies were found, the objective of this study was to find relationships between differentiation of self and peer aggression. The sample of this study was comprised of university students between 17 and 20 years old (. = 365; . = 18.3, SD = .7), who were studying the first or second year of different careers at a private university in Argentina. Participants completed self-administered questionnaires on lifestyles (Carlos et al., 2016) and the Spanish version of the Differentiation of Self Inventory-Revised (S-DSI; Rodríguez-González et al., 2015). Considering that peer aggression does not represent bullying in all cases, the association between self-differentiation and peer aggression was first analyzed and, second, this same association was analyzed, but considering frequent aggression. Peer aggression was perpetrated by 54 % of women and 63 % of men (. = .043) and suffered by 72 % of women and 61 % of men (. = .124). Frequent peer aggression was perpetrated by 15 % of women and 21 % of men (. = .001) and suffered by 41 % of women and 24 % of men (. = .146). Both measures of DoS (Emotional reactivity and Emotional cutoff) were associated with a lower prevalence of both aggression and frequent aggression. This work offers two main findings. First, given the high incidence of peer aggression, the results of this study confirm the relevance of the research on peer aggression and, specifically, on frequent aggression associated with bullying. Second, present data suggests the existence of a relationship between differentiation of self and aggression. Since the idea and perceptions about aggression could be changing, new research is suggested, based around the cultural context and social changes that identify how the concept of bullying evolves should be promoted. Moreover, it would be positive to develop new research that can delve into the role played by the differentiation of self, since it is a factor that impacts the development and health of adolescents. The significant relationship between peer aggression and DoS found in this study contributes to the empirical corpus that affirms the relevance of the emotional factor in aggressive and bullying behaviors. In this sense, this study joins others that support the idea of intervening in aggression and buylling through the development of school intervention programs aimed at developing emotional competencies, involving students and also parents and educators.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Jul; 71(7): 2827-2834
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225138


Purpose: Data on social?emotional aspects among children with strabismus in India are scanty. We compared the emotional symptoms (ES), loneliness and social dissatisfaction (LSD), and self?esteem (SE) and their associated risk factors among children with and without strabismus in India. Methods: A cross?sectional case–control study design was used to recruit 101 children with strabismus aged 8 to 18 years and a control group of 101 children that were age? and gender?matched. Interviews were performed using standardized scales to assess ES, LSD, and SE. Variations in the intensity of ES, LSD, and SE were assessed using multiple classification analysis (MCA). Results: A total of 202 children participated in the study. The mean ES, LSD, and SE scores were 3.4 (standard deviation [SD] 1.9), 48.4 (SD 3.2), and 22.1 (SD 3.8) for the strabismus group and 1.8 (SD 1.5), 33.3 (SD 3), and 31.3 (SD 2) for the non?strabismus group, respectively. Among the strabismus group, the highest levels of mean ES, LSD, and SE scores were observed among children facing problems in performing daily tasks. Amongst the non?strabismus group, children studying at the primary level and those facing neglect had the highest mean scores. In MCA, being affected with strabismus had the highest effect on the intensity of ES, LSD, and SE with a beta (?) value of 0.223 (P = 0.016), 0.922 (P < 0.001), and 0.853 (P < 0.001). Conclusion: A significantly high proportion of children with strabismus deal with elevated levels of ES, LSD problems, and low SE as compared with non?strabismus children, highlighting the need to address the poor social?emotional health of children

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 23(3)jul. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535197


Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre inteligencia emocional y las estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés en trabajadores asistenciales de un Hospital de Tercer Nivel de Atención durante el 2021. Material y método: Se realizó un estudio transversal analítico. Se utilizó dos encuestas: El test de COPE, el cual mide cómo afrontar el estrés y el Inventario de Coeficiente emocional de Bar-On, que mide el nivel de inteligencia emocional. La variable principal fue el afrontamiento al estrés; la independiente, la inteligencia emocional. Resultados: Se trabajó un total de 290 trabajadores asistenciales. La inteligencia emocional se correlacionó significativamente de manera positiva (Pearson = 0.6003) con el afrontamiento al estrés. Las estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés con mayor media fueron planificación, reinterpretación positiva y crecimiento, afrontamiento religioso. Estas estrategias tuvieron una correlación positiva con la inteligencia emocional, estas correlaciones fueron 0.5271, 0.5200 y 0.2051, respectivamente. Para el análisis de regresión múltiple, se observó que el promedio de puntos del Test de BarOn aumentó en 0.261 puntos por cada punto que incrementa el TEST de COPE (coef. = 0,261; IC95%: 0.215 - 0.307); ello ajustado por todas las covariables de interés. Conclusión: Existe una relación entre la inteligencia emocional y el afrontamiento al estrés; también, se encontró relación con las estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés.

Objective: To determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and stress coping strategies in health care workers of a Third Level of Care Hospital during 2021. Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was carried out. Two surveys were used: the COPE test which measures how to cope with stress and the Bar-On Emotional Coefficient Inventory which measures the level of emotional intelligence. The main variable was coping with stress. The independent variable was emotional intelligence. Results: A total of 290 health care workers were worked. Emotional intelligence was significantly positively correlated (Pearson = 0.6003) with stress coping. The stress coping strategies with the highest mean were planning, positive reinterpretation and growth, and religious coping. These strategies had a positive correlation with emotional intelligence, these correlations were 0.5271, 0.5200 and 0.2051 respectively. For the multiple regression analysis, it was observed that the average BARON test score increased by 0.261 points for each point increase in the COPE TEST (coefficient = 0.261; 95%CI: 0.215 - 0.307); adjusted for all covariates of interest. Conclusion: There is a relationship between emotional intelligence and stress coping. A relationship was also found with stress coping strategies.

Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 23(2): 629-646, julho 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1532740


A competência emocional é reconhecida como habilidade essencial para o desenvolvimento infantil, contribuindo para o bem-estar subjetivo, bom relacionamento interpessoal e desempenho acadêmico de crianças. Na fase escolar, por volta dos quatro/cinco anos, a mesma tem avanço expressivo, o que torna os professores agentes fundamentais nesse processo. Este estudo relatou a experiência de um projeto-piloto de implantação de um programa de promoção de competências emocionais em crianças dirigido a professores. Participaram seis professoras de educação infantil (M=40,6 anos), de duas escolas particulares do Rio de Janeiro e entorno, que preencheram instrumentos antes do início da implantação do projeto. Participaram ativamente de todas as etapas, demonstrando interesse pelos conteúdos e atividades. Seus relatos na entrevista final (gravados, transcritos e analisados) evidenciaram algumas conquistas nas competências emocionais das crianças, além de ganhos adicionais no autoconhecimento e satisfação das professoras com as atividades realizadas. Buscou-se refletir sobre o impacto desse programa e os desafios do projeto com foco no desenvolvimento da competência emocional das crianças. Acredita-se que esta proposta pode ser um diferencial em iniciativas voltadas para a melhora da vida acadêmica e a promoção de saúde dos educandos, ressaltando a importância da atenção ao desenvolvimento emocional infantil no ambiente escolar.

Emotional competence is recognized as an essential skill for child development, contributing to the subjective well-being, good interpersonal relationships, and academic performance of children. At the school stage, around four/five years, such competence shows significant progress, which makes teachers crucial agents in this process. This study reports the experience of a pilot project designed for teachers in order to implement a program to promote emotional competences on children. Six teachers (M=40.6 years) from early childhood education from two private schools in Rio de Janeiro and its surroundings had joined the research and filled out instruments before the project has started to run. All of them have participated actively in all stages, showing interest in its contents and activities. Their reports in the final interview (which has been recorded, transcribed, and analyzed) showed some achievements in the children's emotional skills, as well as additional gains in self-knowledge and teachers' satisfaction with the activities they have carried out. We intended to reflect on the impact of this program and the challenges of the project, focusing on the development of students' emotional competence. We believe that this approach can be a differential in initiatives that look for improving academic life and promoting the health of students, emphasizing the importance of attention to children's emotional development in the school environment.

La competencia emocional es una habilidad esencial para el desarrollo infantil, contribuyendo al bienestar subjetivo, las buenas relaciones interpersonales y el rendimiento académico de niños. En la etapa escolar, en torno a los cuatro/cinco años, hay avances significativos, lo que convierte a los docentes en agentes fundamentales de este proceso. Este estudio reportó la experiencia de un proyecto-piloto para implementar un programa de promoción de competencias emocionales en niños dirigido a docentes. Participaron seis docentes (M=40,6 años) de educación infantil de dos escuelas privadas de Río de Janeiro y alrededores y completaron instrumentos antes del inicio de la implantación. Participaron activamente en todas las etapas. Sus relatos (grabados, transcritos; analizados) evidenciaron logros en las habilidades emocionales de los niños, ganancias adicionales en autoconocimiento y la satisfacción de los docentes con las actividades realizadas. Buscamos reflexionar sobre el impacto del programa y desafíos del proyecto, enfocándonos en el desarrollo de la competencia emocional de los estudiantes. Se cree que esta propuesta puede ser un diferencial en iniciativas dirigidas a mejorar la vida académica y promover la salud de los estudiantes, destacando la importancia de la atención al desarrollo emocional de niños en el ámbito escolar.

Humans , Child Development , Emotions , Faculty/education , Health Promotion , Brazil
Psychol. av. discip ; 17(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535039


El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la relación entre creencias irracionales y sintomatología depresiva en estudiantes universitarios de Psicología en Honduras. Se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo, un alcance descriptivo-correlacional y un diseño no experimental transversal correlacional. La muestra fue de 257 estudiantes universitarios de Psicología de dos universidades hondureñas. Para la recolección de datos se aplicó el Test de Creencias Irracionales y el Inventario de Depresión de Beck-II. Las principales creencias irracionales manifiestas por los estudiantes son culpabilización, altas autoexpectativas, influencia del pasado y evitación de problemas, y alrededor de un tercio sufre sintomatología depresiva de moderada a severa. Los estudiantes varones, menores de 31 años, pertenecientes a una universidad privada y que se encuentran solteros son los que tienen más altas creencias irracionales y mayores niveles de depresión, pero solo hay diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre el grupo etario y la sintomatología depresiva. Además, existe relación significativa entre creencias irracionales y cuatro de sus dimensiones (necesidad de aprobación, altas autoexpectativas, culpabilización e influencia del pasado) con sintomatología depresiva. Es urgente que las autoridades universitarias elaboren programas y servicios institucionales que prevengan y promuevan la salud mental, para disminuir los procesos mentales patológicos que pueden desencadenar problemas como el suicidio.

The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between irrational beliefs and depressive symptoms in university students of Psychology in Honduras. A quantitative approach, a descriptive-correlational scope and a non-experimental correlational cross-sectional design was used. The sample was 257 university students of Psychology from two Honduran universities. For the collection of data, the Irrational Beliefs Test and the Beck-II Depression Inventory were applied. The main irrational beliefs manifested by the students are guilt, high self-expectations, influence of the past and avoidance of problems, and about a third of the students suffer from moderate to severe depressive symptoms. Male students, under 31 years, attending a private university and who are single are those who have the highest irrational beliefs and higher levels of depression, but there is only a statistically significant difference between the age group and depressive symptomatology. In addition, there is a statistically significant relationship between irrational beliefs and four of its dimensions (need for approval, high self-expectations, guilt and influence of the past) with depressive symptoms. It is urgent that university authorities develop programs and institutional services that prevent and promote mental health, to reduce pathological mental processes that can trigger problems such as suicide.

Rev. med. Risaralda ; 29(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536606


Introducción: Los estudiantes universitarios se ven envueltos en situaciones de estrés y ansiedad que afectan su proceso académico y calidad de vida. Sin el acompañamiento adecuado, el estrés puede desencadenar en problemas psicológicos mayores, tales como el Síndrome de Burnout. Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia del Síndrome de Burnout en estudiantes de medicina de una institución universitaria en Cartagena durante el primer período del año 2019. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de tipo cuantitativo, la población fueron estudiantes del programa de medicina de una institución universitaria de Cartagena, matriculados en el primer período del año 2019, se aplicó el test de Maslach Burnout Inventory Student Survey (MBI-SS-1981), el cual mide tres parámetros indicadores de Síndrome de Burnout. Resultados: Se realizaron 383 encuestas, el 63% fueron de género femenino, el 91,7% son solteros, el 53% está entre los 20 y los 25 años, la prevalencia del Síndrome de Burnout fue de 30.8%. Conclusión: El Síndrome de Burnout en los estudiantes del programa de medicina de la institución Universitaria de la ciudad de Cartagena presenta una prevalencia importante, por tanto, es necesario diseñar estrategias que permitan su prevención.

Introduction: University students are involved in situations of stress and anxiety that affect their academic process and quality of life. Without the proper accompaniment, stress can trigger major psychological problems, such as Burnout Syndrome. Objective: To identify the prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in medical students of a university institution in Cartagena during the first period of 2019. Materials and Methods: Descriptive quantitative study, the population were students of the medicine program of a university institution in Cartagena, enrolled in the first period of 2019, the Maslach Burnout Inventory Student Survey (MBI-SS-1981) test was applied, which measures three indicator parameters of Burnout Syndrome.. Results: 383 surveys were carried out, 63% were female, 91.7% are single, 53% are between 20 and 25 years old, the prevalence of Burnout Syndrome was 30.8%. Conclusion: The Burnout Syndrome in the students of the medicine program of the University institution of the city of Cartagena presents an important prevalence, therefore, it is necessary to design strategies that allow its prevention.

Cienc. act. fís. (Talca, En línea) ; 24(1): 1-12, jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513953


La inteligencia emocional se define como habilidades para conocer y dominar emociones propias y de otros/as. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron validar un instrumento de inteligencia emocional en una muestra de estudiantes de Educación Física de Chile y describir las habilidades emocionales de la muestra. Se evaluaron 226 estudiantes de Educación Física de dos universidades de Santiago de Chile. Se aplicó la Escala rasgo de metaconocimiento emocional (TMMS-24). Los resultados revelan que el instrumento, reducido a 19 ítems, presenta tres factores que explican el 56,8% de la varianza total, con un alfa de Cronbach de 0,916. En relación con los niveles de inteligencia emocional, la muestra presenta valores altos, sin que existan diferencias significativas en las dimensiones claridad, atención y reparación del TMMS-24 entre damas y varones. Al comparar por años de carrera, sólo hay diferencias en la dimensión claridad, donde los/as estudiantes de 5º año poseen mayores puntajes que los/as de 2º. Se concluye que los/as estudiantes de Educación Física poseen altos índices de inteligencia emocional, sin diferencias entre damas y varones.

Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to know and master one's and/or others' emotions. The objectives of this study were to validate an emotional intelligence instrument in a sample of physical education students from Chile, and to describe the emotional skills of the sample. 226 physical education students from two universities in Santiago de Chile were evaluated. The Emotional Metacognition Trait Scale (TMMS-24) was applied. The results reveal that the instrument, reduced to 19 items, presents three factors that explain 56,8% of the total variance, with a Cronbach alpha of 0,916. In relation to the levels of emotional intelligence, the sample presents high values, without there being significant differences in the dimension's clarity, attention, and repair of the TMMS-24 between women and men. When comparing years of career, there are only differences in the clarity dimension, where 5th year students had higher scores than/as 2nd years. It is concluded that physical education students have high rates of emotional intelligence, with no differences between women and men.

A inteligência emocional é definida como habilidades para conhecer e dominar emoções próprias e de outros/as. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram validar um instrumento de inteligência emocional em uma mostra de estudantes de Educação Física do Chile e descrever as habilidades emocionais da mostra. Foram avaliados 226 estudantes de Educação Física de duas universidades de Santiago do Chile. Foi aplicada a Escala característica de meta-conhecimento emocional (TMMS-24). Os resultados revelam que o instrumento, reduzido a 19 itens, apresenta três fatores que explicam 56,8% da variância total, com um alfa de Cronbach de 0,916. Em relação aos níveis de inteligência emocional, a amostra apresenta valores altos, sem que existam diferenças significativas nas dimensões clareza, atenção e reparação do TMMS-24 entre mulheres e homens. Ao comparar por anos de carreira, só há diferenças na dimensão clareza, onde os/as estudantes de 5º ano possuem maiores pontuações que os/as de 2º. Conclui-se que os/as estudantes de Educação Física possuem altos índices de inteligência emocional, sem diferenças entre mulheres e homens.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Physical Education and Training/trends , Models, Statistical , Students/psychology , Universities , Chile , Comprehension , Sentiment Analysis